Reflexology is a healing science in which healing is achieved in parts of the human body by putting the right amount of pressure on strategic points on the soles of the feet either. Sometimes, the palm is also koristi.Ozdravljenja method was discovered and used extensively in the ancient Egyptians before the Christian era. In this science of healing, the healer has mastered a specific location and function of different points on the foot or hand. There is a theory that every point on the sole or palm healing has a corresponding organ in the body with which it is in "sympathy" or compliance. If only one point or the palm is stimulated by certain pressure on the proper operation, then the appropriate body gets healed. It is estimated that there are more than 7,000 reflex points on the soles of the feet, each with the appropriate organs of the body.
The treatment application is very simple, but very technical. On the soles of the feet, for example, there are certain reflex points of the sciatic nerve, stomach, bladder, heart, brain, pancreas, lung, and in fact for each organ. There are two ways to put pressure on reflex points: One: while applying some force, using the thumb, press down on the spot, or two: get a hollow metal cylinder about three inches in diameter, a length of two feet. Stand on the metal and let it roll as you put both feet on his return. During exercise, heat will be generated in your body and stimulates the reflex points, their respective authorities will be receiving treatments. Stay on for up to ten minutes for each leg. Repeat this exercise twice a day for two weeks will cure the disease! This is only a summary of the process. There are specific diets to supplement the procedure.
When pressure is applied to reflex points, relieves stress and tension, improves blood circulation to all parts of the body opening was blocked blood vessels. Reflexology provides lasting relief for aches and pains, increases blood flow and circulation, destroys toxins and purifies the body. It improves the achievement of general health. This ancient therapy is changed in accordance with modern methods and is already included in the modern system of healthcare delivery. It should be noted that reflexology is safe, it is for all ages and sexes, both sexes, and it does not require injections or drugs.
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